Yucatecan senators Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín (PRI) and Raúl Paz Alonzo (PAN) voted on Tuesday, March 2nd, against the electricity reform. On …
Morena’s majority blocks petition to know the contracts for COVID-19 vaccines.
The agreement also urged the National Electoral Institute (INE) to prevent the vaccination campaign from being used for political electoral purposes. MEXICO …
WASHINGTON D.C. (Yahoo News) — After last week’s deadly assault on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump, members of …
UNITED STATES (USA Today) – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s remarks over the last week have been making headlines, but the …
Yesterday journalist Pablo Hiriart from the newspaper El Financiero, published an editorial that set social networks on fire in Mexico. The article …
“Not even the president is above the law” House Democrats unveil articles of impeachment
Just over two months after opening an impeachment inquiry into President Trump, Democrats Tuesday unveiled two articles of impeachment: one for abuse …
Peru has been thrown into political crisis after President Martín Vizcarra made good on a threat to dissolve Congress unless lawmakers backed …
Baja California Congress endorses term extension, they give 5 years to governor (El Universal)
According to Mexico City based newspaper El Universal, during an extraordinary session held behind closed doors in the municipal palace of Playas …
“Trump was not exonerated and he could be charged after leaving the presidency”. – Robert Mueller.
WASHINGTON D.C. (AFP/EFE) – The Russian plot investigator came forward to testify before Congress. The president considers that the investigation cleared him …
HeadlinesNewsPeninsulaState News
Lawsuit against the Congress of Yucatan for rejection of same-sex marriage
Several groups of the LGBTTTI community in Yucatan are demanding the Superior Court of Justice of the state to sue the local …