With the construction of the Tren Maya “not a single tree will be torn down,” said Andrés Manuel López Obrador on December …
Deforestation in the Yucatan Peninsula
EnvironmentHeadlinesNewsPeninsulaPlanetYucaQ, Roo
SEDENA cuts down 219 hectares of trees and jungle in the Yucatan Peninsula
Maya Train, Sedena cuts down more trees: 219 hectares of jungle in the Yucatan Peninsula With the approval of the Ministry of …
CampecheEnvironmentHeadlinesNewsPeninsulaPlanetYucaQ, RooState NewsYucatan
The Peninsula lost more than 700,000 acres of jungle in four years
The Yucatán Peninsula lost at least 705,683 acres of forest land in four years, from 2019 to 2023, according to the Assessment …