Campeche, (September 04, 2021).- After the announcement of the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur) of the relocation of the…
economy collapse
After annual report, opposition criticizes AMLO’s management; it has been “a failure,” they say
MEXICO, (September 02, 2021) .- The opposition parties described the administration of Andrés Manuel López Obrador as “failed, erroneous and disastrous”, after…
They claim that keeping their doors closed has affected the income of just over six thousand families MÉRIDA, Yucatán, (August 31, 2021).-…
GDP during the second quarter of 2020 GDP declined 17.1 percent in real terms; exceeds the falls of 2009 and 2005 MEXICO…
The president said that the accumulation of more debt is being avoided by not applying for new loans and that austerity measures…
Mexican economy collapses 18.9% in the second quarter, its worst fall in history. The country’s Gross Domestic Product registered an unprecedented decline…