With early voter turnout setting a record and U.S. business districts boarding up for fear of Election Day unrest, President Donald Trump …
MEXICO CITY (AP) — A week before U.S. elections, expectations and attention are unusually low in a foreign country that may have …
“Pennsylvania law permits poll watchers to carry out very discrete and specific duties — videotaping voters at drop boxes is not one …
According to the count of the Preliminary Election Results Program (PREP), the state voted for the positions of relative majority, in addition …
ColumnsFeatureInternationalNewsThe Column
Vice President Pence Thrown Into Poll & Succession Spotlight
For the past four years, Mike Pence has flown – for the most part – under the radar, a quiet acolyte to …
One of the main reasons Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election is voters who disapproved of both Trump and his rival, …
EntertainmentExpat CommunityFeatureLifestyle
Latino cartoonist on a mission to defeat Trump in November
He’s one of the first syndicated Latino cartoonists in the United States and has collaborated on the award-winning film “Coco,” but Lalo …
In February, the president told journalist Bob Woodward that the virus was “deadly” and difficult to contain but downplayed it “not to create …
Riots. Radicalism. Corruption. Trump and Biden supporters turn to apocalyptic themes in campaign ad wars
WASHINGTON – Cities on fire. Rioters clashing with baton-wielding cops. Bodies stacking up in makeshift graves. A trailer for the latest apocalyptic blockbuster? …
Amid a mountain of lousy polling and stark warnings from allies, Trump has acknowledged his reelection afflictions to close associates. WASHINGTON D.C. …