The municipality of Mérida refines details so that in the next few days six electric carriages can come into operation in the …
electric calesas
There will be four to six units that will circulate alongside the traditional (MÉRIDA, YUC. – MERIDA CITY COUNCIL).- In approximately two …
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Merida “Coachmen” say they are open to the use of electric carriages
The inclusion of electric carriages will not modify the rates for the tour along the tourist routes traced for years. It will …
Electric carriages will gradually replace horse-pulled Calesas in Mérida
Mérida, Yucatán, (July 13, 2021) .- During a meeting in which the secretary of Citizen Participation, Julio Sauma Castillo and directors Eugenia …
Electric carriages in Mérida, a serious project to stand against animal cruelty
Mèrida, Yucatan., May 03, 2021 (YUCATAN).- This Saturday, May 1st the PAN candidate for mayor, Renán Barrera Concha; presented in the park of “La Ermita” a …