My typical day starts early, when colorful tropical songbirds visit my backyard,” says Linda Lindholm, 71. “I walk to the open-air farmers’ …
Merida has consolidated as the safest city in Mexico, and one of the best places to live in the country. Its infrastructure, …
A foreigner prevented people from bathing in front of his property, in Chuburna Puerto. He even took out a table and chairs …
Bucerias, Nayarit – On a recent Mexican sojourn, we found inspiration and beauty by getting off the highways. Although our van bucked and …
Beach CommunitiesHeadlinesNewsPeninsulaState NewsTravel
The National Institute of Migration seeks to facilitate the integration of foreigners in Yucatan
MERIDA YUCATAN.- The National Institute of Migration seeks to facilitate the integration of foreigners in Yucatan. In parallel, the INM is working on …
John Leboutillier, opinion contributor for “The Hill” a US non-partisan political centered biased newspaper published in Washington, D.C. with a print circulation, …
BusinessBusiness-newColumnsHeadlinesInternationalNewsThe Column
COMMENT: New U.S. tax law reduces rates, doubles standard exemptions
It’s Official: Tax Reform Becomes Law The U.S. House and Senate have approved a significant overhaul of the U.S. tax code. The …
A year later, trial of Canadian photographer’s alleged killer begins in Merida
As TYT published in October 2016, the alleged murderer of Barbara McClatchie Andrews was arrested and submitted to custody while the investigations …
BusinessBusiness-newExpat CommunityHeadlinesLifestyleNationalNews
Attention Freelancers: SAT’s new ‘3.3’ invoicing rules apply to you, too
Everybody must update their invoicing systems no matter if they work as independent contractors or own an enterprise… MERIDA – Officials advise …
Finally the temperatures are descending in the state, which means that the locals are frosting while expats and tourist are enjoying the …