The San Benito market, one of the most important in the state capital, wakes up on Monday, May 27, without electricity. Merchants …
Federal Electricity Commission (CFE)
Energy shortages affect nearly 60 thousand businesses in Yucatán
The constant power outages have generated unquantifiable economic losses for the productive sector. The Yucatecan employers’ sector confirmed that at least five …
“Blackouts” affect 70% of the commercial sector in Yucatán
The Canacome leader calls on the Federal Electricity Commission to reinforce its distribution and transmission lines to avoid continuous service interruptions. 70 …
In the summer of this year, the Yucatan Peninsula could once again experience blackouts in electricity, given that the Federal Electricity Commission …
Truck driver knocks down several CFE poles in Prolongación Paseo de Montejo
The area remains closed to vehicular traffic MÉRIDA, Yucatán, (December 03, 2021).- A trail of damage was left by a truck driver that, in …
AMLO’s electricity proposal “negative” for sovereign rating – Moody’s
MEXICO CITY, October 07, 2021, (Reuters) – The Mexican president’s proposal to reform the country’s electricity sector is “negative” for the sovereign …
Business chambers against AMLO´s electricity reform warn electricity costs will increase in Mexico
Goodbye private solar panels with AMLO’s electric reform proposal MEXICO, (October 06, 2021).- The business sector made a new call to Congress …