Possible fraud, unrecognized consumption, unrecognized charges in the account, and unrecognized electronic transfer were the main complaints of the people of Campeche …
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Hotel owners warn about new fraud in Valladolid: criminals ask for money for a false reservation
Valladolid hoteliers would be victims of bad publicity due to fraud carried out by hackers, who pose as part of an accommodation …
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Beware, frauds by “shady” financial companies are reported in Yucatán
The National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef) warned that in Yucatán frauds involving financial companies …
A study by the Belisario Dominguez Institute of the Senate of the Republic warned that 15 thousand frauds and 13 thousand extortions …
Mexico’s scientific society called the alleged extraterrestrial bodies presented by ufologist a fraud
Mexican scientists consider that the alleged extraterrestrial bodies presented by ufologist Jaime Maussan before the Lower Chamber of Congress cannot be taken …
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INAH investigates alleged tourist guides'”Mafia” in Chichen Itza
After the public denunciation of an ‘influencer’, the agency opened a case file (MERIDA, YUC. – INAH).- The National Institute of Historical …
López Obrador denies that there is a recession, he says “he is satisfied with the situation and that is what matters”
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador gives a conference from the National Palace every morning. (MEXICO – TYT).- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador heads …
SAN JOSE, California, January 4, 2021 (Reuters) – A U.S. jury on Monday found Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes guilty of defrauding investors in the blood …