Manuel Guerrero is a British/Mexican man who was arrested for being gay in Qatar, and now, he is being denied HIV medications …
The measure to amend the state’s Civil Code passed with 23 votes in favor, 12 against and two abstentions, setting off cheers …
Progreso, Yucatán, March 9, 2022.- Miguel Luciano Martínez and Irving Suárez Pérez became the first same-sex couple to marry without the need …
“POLITICAL ACT OF RESISTANCE”: Lesbian and bisexual women called to participate in kissathon in Mérida
MÉRIDA, MX.- As a political act of resistance from feminist lesbianism, collectives in Yucatán are calling all lesbian and bisexual women to …
When Ford Germany recently unveiled its new blue Ford Ranger Raptor, it got plenty of praise, but there was one piece of …
Lesbians and single women in France now have access to fertility treatments
Under current French law, only heterosexual couples have the right to access medically assisted procreation methods such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF). …
Merida Yucatan (October 21, 2020) .- Germán Pasos Tzec, anthropologist, writer, journalist and activist in favor of LGBTTT rights, died in the …
Psychologists, doctors, and religious groups that administer conversion therapies to gays and lesbians will face sentences of up to five years in …
In order not to neglect the presence of the movement in the fight for equal rights for all people in the state, …
The Collective for the Protection of All Families in Yucatan (Colectivo PTFY) reported in a statement that on February 7th, with the …