Producers of the “Huertos Familiares” program meet with the coordinator of the Yucatán Team to work together in the Yucatecan. Yaxcabá, Yucatán …
MÉRIDA, MX.- In the corresponding report delivered by Olga Rosas Moya, Secretary of Administration and Finance to Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal, it …
Andrew Giuliani, son of Rudy Giuliani, announces run for New York governor
Andrew Giuliani, the son of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, announced Tuesday that he is seeking the Republican nomination for …
Mèrida, Yucatàn, (April 23, 2021).- To avoid abstentionism in these elections that will be registered in the country, young Mexicans created a …
MEXICO (April 21, 2021) (SIPSE).- At the beginning of the campaign events throughout the country, Morena’s David Monreal, the brother of Ricardo …
Yucatan Governor invites counterparts to join in the purchase of Covid vaccines
Within the framework of the 60th ordinary meeting of the National Conference of Governors (Conago), Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal invited the other …
Chihuahua, the first state to return to red on the epidemiological traffic light
Javier Corral Jurado, governor of Chihuahua, reported at a press conference that this entity in the north of the country returns to the red color of …
The former governor was arrested in Miami on July 8. Miami, Florida (July 16, 2020).- César Duarte, former governor of Chihuahua, promoted …
There are five Mexican governors who have tested positive for the virus. The Governor of Quintana Roo, Carlos Joaquín, reported through social …
Through his social networks, Governor Héctor Astudillo Flores confirmed that it is positive for Covid-19 Governor Héctor Astudillo Flores maintained working tours …