A small town in the southern part of the state has registered temperatures of 0°C (32 °F) 200 kilometers away from Mérida, …
The cold fronts will bring temperatures between 12 and 16 degrees, especially in the south and west Mérida, Yucatán, CONAGUA (January 20, …
Heladez is coming back to Yucatan starting on Thursday. There will be several days with low temperatures for the entire state (MÉRIDA, …
Late-night Friday, early-morning Saturday, cold front 27 will arrive in the Yucatan Peninsula, bringing an additional drop in temperatures, as well as …
Tekax, Tzucacab, Peto, and part of Oxkutzcab will be the coldest places in Yucatan. In the center of the state, temperatures will …
‘Heladez’ is expected in Yucatan due to simultaneous cold frontsTemperatures could drop as down as 10 degrees Celsius (50 Fahrenheit) in some …