The resurrection of Jesus Christ is important for those who profess the Catholic religion or any of its Christian variants, found in …
holy week
Food and DrinkHeadlinesNationalNewsPeninsulaState NewsYucatan
Dishes commonly found on Mexican tables during Lent and Holy Week
Check out these delicious alternatives for those observing Lenten dietary restrictions in Mexico Lent and Holy Week are periods of deep religious …
Art and CultureExpat CommunityHeadlinesLifestyleMeridaNewsPeninsulaYucatan
LGBT+ community of Mérida presents ‘Inclusive Way of the Cross’
The Puerta Abierta (open door) apostolic group made up of people from the LGBT+ community of Mérida will carry out a Viacrucis …
Mérida restaurateurs expect good profits during Holy Week
The National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (Canirac) of Yucatán expects a significant increase in its sales this Easter. …
Beach CommunitiesFeatureNewsPeninsula
Drunk tourist arrested after he jumped into the sea in Progreso
A man around 30 years old put on a show at the beach of Progreso, after insisting on swimming against the current …
The proximity of Cold Front number 47 to the Yucatan Peninsula will cause some rains of different intensities over the state starting …
National and foreign tourists arrive daily in this Magic Town during the Holy Week and Easter holidays, which will end next Sunday, …
Mayor, Renán Barrera Concha, assured that the services offered by the Mérida Municipal Police Directorate were extended in the historic center to …
Food and DrinkHeadlinesMeridaNewsPeninsula
Yucatecans substitute meat with ‘Brazo de Reina’ during Holy Week
Due to the traditions and customs involved in Holy Week in Yucatan, sales of corn-based dough or nixtamal have increased by up …