In a historic ruling that marks a precedent in the defense of the rights of nature, the Fourth District Judge of the …
Study says 60% of children in Calakmul and Hopelchén live with violence
The Network of Women and Men for a Public Opinion with a Gender Perspective in Campeche A.C. will provide training to teachers …
In order to establish new strategic alliances in favor of Hopelchén’s development and promotion, Mayor Emilio Lara Calderón held a working meeting …
Mennonites will stop deforestation in Campeche after agreement with Semarnat
Campeche, (August 16, 2021).- After various complaints in municipalities of Campeche with the presence of jungle, such as Hopelchén and Calakmul, the …
Classic car suffers spectacular accident during the 2021 Rally Maya
Collection of old cars arrived at Hopelchen, city of Campeche; One of them suffered a spectacular accident. Hopelchen, Camp., (May 27, 2021).- …