They placed tape, ropes and furniture to prevent the general population from passing through. Cancun, Quintana Roo, (August 07, 2021).- The Fiesta …
México Electoral Court says the ‘100 days of AMLO’s third year of Government’ report was illegal
Unanimously, the TEPJF magistrates agreed that it was an illicit act of personalized government propaganda. Mèrida, Yucatàn, (May 28, 2021).- Even though …
‘Chief Diego’ pointed out that President López Obrador has used the assets and resources of the State and has attributed behaviors that …
Superior Audit carried out 211 revisions to public entities MERIDA, Yucatan (Times Media Mexico)-. This Thursday, August 27th, the head of the …
Merida, Yucatan (Times Media Mexico).- In the shipping area of Merida’s International Airport, members of the National Guard detected four “live coral …
CDMX (Times Media Mexico) – During his visit to the border city of Tijuana, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador made a …
Mexico’s migration authorities deported 311 Indians, including a woman, many of which were caught by INM authorities in the state of Durango. …
Illegal tree felling at Michoacán’s Monarch Butterfly Reserve to plant avocado trees
Staff of the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa), in coordination with agents of the Federal Police Gendarmerie (Environmental Division), closed an …
Tlahuelilpan, Hidalgo.- Since early Monday morning authorities are handling a new leak, in a major fuel pipeline, in the same fashion as …