Britain’s government said on Monday, November 27th, it had detected a first human case of flu strain A(H1N2)v, which is similar to …
17 new cases of influenza have been confirmed in Yucatán during the current interseasonal period of the illness. The report from the …
Environment: CONANP issues alert for bird influenza H5N1 in Michoacán, Mexico
COAHUAYANA, Michoacan., June 9, 2023.- This Friday night, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), and the National Commission of Natural …
Yucatan registers 55 positive cases of influenza, as confirmed by the National Epidemiological Surveillance System (Sinave). Based on weekly reports, during the …
Mexico detects 296,000 birds with influenza and applies counter-epidemic measures
In order to protect chicken and egg production from highly pathogenic avian influenza, the Mexican government located and instructed sanitary measures of …
The Federal Health Secretariat plans to vaccinate more than 33 million people throughout México. After the coronavirus crisis, there was a significant …
The 2021-2022 seasonal influenza season concluded this week with a balance in Yucatan of 280 positive cases and six deaths, derived from …