Due to its favorable conditions for reproducing the plague, Yucatán is one of the areas with the highest risk in Central America …
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Locusts in Yucatán, last year’s rains benefited their development
In a matter of minutes, the images of locusts flying over the sky of Mérida and landing on houses in the Francisco …
HeadlinesPeninsulaPlanetYucaState NewsWildlifeYucatan
Plague of locusts returns to Yucatán; thousands “invade” Motul
For almost an hour thousands of locusts flew over the skies of the historic center of Motul to the amazement and fear …
Personnel from the National Agri-Food Health, Safety and Quality Service (Senasica) have detected and controlled more than 30 pockets of Central American …
HeadlinesNewsPeninsulaPlanetYucaState NewsWildlife
Thousands of locusts invade the cornfields in the municipality of Tizimín, Yucatan
Thousands of locusts invaded fields in the municipality of Tizimín, a situation that puts the crops at risk, since these insects are …
India uses drones to pursue locusts as swarms plague towns and destroy crops
AFP (May 27, 2020).- Huge swarms of desert locusts are destroying crops across western and central India, prompting authorities Tuesday to step …
After thousands of locusts arrived at the beaches of Progreso and Sisal three days ago, now the swarm moved all the way …