Shortly before 5:00 p.m. on Monday, July 3rd, a short circuit caused a transformer fire at the entrance of the Los Héroes …
Los Heroes
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Los Héroes Mérida Town Center shopping plaza in under Construction
The construction is expected to conclude between September and August of this year, to offer a new space for entertainment and shopping …
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In January 2022, a new IMSS clinic will open in Fraccionamiento Los Héroes
MÉRIDA, Yucatan, (December 18, 2021).- The year 2022 begins with an IMSS clinic in the Los Héroes subdivision. It will be exactly on January 3rd, when …
Wasp plague scares residents of “Los Héroes” subdivision in Mérida
Mérida, Yucatán, (August 06, 2021).- A plague of wasps known as “Ni Chaak” or “Red Nose”, frightens residents of the fourth stage …
Mèrida, Yucatà n, (June 2, 2021).- If you have information about the whereabouts of 15-year-old Adhara Paola Baas Salazar, immediately contact the authorities, …
The City of Mérida donates properties for the construction of schools in Caucel and Los Héroes
To bring education closer to the inhabitants of the Ciudad Caucel and Los Héroes subdivisions, the Mérida City Hall approved the donation, …