Mariachi is the traditional Mexican music par excellence and for the first time, a World Mariachi Congress was held in Mexico City. …
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First World Mariachi Congress to be held in Mexico City
From November 6 to 10, the First World Mariachi Congress will be held in Mexico City, which will take place at Plaza …
In the world of online gaming, few themes resonate as deeply and colorfully as those inspired by cultural traditions. The Mariachi 5 …
Mexico City.- Despite the fact that this Thursday morning President Andrés Manuel López Obrador asked the citizenship not to serenade him, in …
Plaza Garibaldi in downtown Mexico City is not supposed to be silent. For more than a century, the large public square has …
Mariachis from the municipality of Muxupip, Yucatán; a town known as the “Tierra del Mariachi en Yucatán” (Yucatán Mariachi Land), asked governor …