The presence of some vandals at the archaeological site known as the Maya Observatory in Acanceh has concerned local residents, who fear …
FeatureNewsPeninsulaState NewsYucatan
Municipal authorities come up with strategies to fight the decrease in Mayan speakers
In light of the decline in individuals identifying as Mayan speakers in Yucatán, the Municipal Institute for the Strengthening of Maya Culture …
HeadlinesNewsPeninsulaState NewsYucatan
‘Save the Children’ and LEGO carry out educational projects at indigenous communities in Yucatan
MÉRIDA, MX.- Save the Children and the LEGO Foundation began training in Yucatán to promote learning through play and tender parenting in …
Live an intrepid adventure in the Calcehtok caves, ideal for Adventure Tourism. Xibalba, roughly translated as “place of fright”, is the name …
Art and CultureFeatureLifestyle
ESAY students are inspired by ORLAN’s Mayan Self-Hybridations exhibition
Attracted by a series of digital photographs by the international artist ORLAN, which show her hybrid face with sculptures of our ancestors, …
HeadlinesMaya UniverseNewsPeninsulaPlanetYucaState News
Milpa Maya receives international recognition as an agricultural heritage site
As a result of the impulse that Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal has given to the Yucatecan countryside, the Mayan milpa received global …
Art and CultureFeatureLifestyleNewsPeninsula
Yucatan will host the First National Encounter of Indigenous Children’s Choirs
Yucatan will host the First National Encounter of Indigenous Children’s Choirs with the participation of representatives from the State of Mexico, Tlaxcala, …
FeatureNewsPeninsulaState News
Specialists propose that the Maya language should be taught in all schools across the Yucatán
In Yucatán, it was approved in 2019 to make the Maya language mandatory in elementary schools, but this remained only on paper. …
In Cancun, one of the most famous stories among the inhabitants of that city in the Mexican Caribbean has its origin in …
Expat CommunityFeatureLifestyle
Google’s Woolaroo will translate Maya and other indigenous languages
In order to help preserve and promote the different cultures and languages of the world, Google announced that it will launch the …