MĆ©rida, YucatĆ”n, (November 24, 2021).- After the report of a young man who found the skeleton on a vacant road, the security …
merida west
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‘Queso de Bola’ Fair coming to MĆ©rida August 14th and 15th
MĆRIDA, Yuc., (July 30, 2021) .- Not even the pandemic stops the ‘Queso de Bola’ Fair, (Dutch Cheese) which will take place …
Merida’s “Parque Hundido del Poniente” becomes new home to wild ducks
MĆ©rida YucatĆ”n, (July 01, 2021).- The “Parque Hundido del Poniente”, which has remained flooded since the rains caused by tropical storm CristĆ³bal, …