The 10 states of the country that accumulate the highest number of cases are: Mexico City, State of Mexico, Nuevo León, Guanajuato, …
mexican states
Mérida, among the five most competitive cities in the country
The deterioration of local finances and Foreign Direct Investment affects most of the country’s cities, which have lost strength, says the IMCO …
Study reveals that it is a consequence of the use of traditional ceramics in kitchen utensils. Mexico City, (October 28, 2021).- In …
HeadlinesNationalNewsPeninsulaQ, RooState News
387 firearms were seized in the Yucatan Peninsula during 2020
Mérida, Yucatán, (October 26, 2021) .- In the course of 2020, in the Yucatán Peninsula, the staff of the State Attorney General’s …
Expat CommunityHeadlinesLifestyleNationalNews
Hurricane Rick makes landfall on Mexico’s Pacific coast
MEXICO CITY, October 25, 2021, (Reuters) – The eye of Hurricane Rick came ashore on Mexico’s Pacific coast early on Monday, lashing …
MEXICO CITY, October 14 (Reuters) – Hurricane Pamela was set to dissipate on Wednesday night after knocking down trees, damaging businesses and …
Cold fronts season 2021-2022 begins, 56 are expected; the first one hits in these states
MEXICO, (September 24, 20221).- The cold fronts season 2021-2022 began, which will conclude in May next year. According to the National Water Commission (Conagua) , the forecast …
A total of 355 thousand users in Jalisco, Colima and Nayarit are left without electricity MEXICO, (August 31, 2021).- The Mexican government …
The aircraft was making reconnaissance flights in the lower Huasteca due to the heavy rains. (The Huasteca is a region in Mexico …