Hooded and armed individuals set fire to three bars in Morelia, located in the Altozano residential area, on Saturday morning. According to …
Art and CultureFeatureFood and DrinkLifestyle
Yucatan is the main guest at the Morelia En Boca International Gastronomic Festival
Yucatan is one of the main guests of the Morelia En Boca International Gastronomic Festival (MEB) 2022, as part of the promotional …
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Michoacán State shines with a drone show at the ‘Tianguis Turístico de Mérida 2021’
Morelia, Michoacán, November 17, 2021, (MiMorelia.com) .- This Tuesday 16th, began the Tianguis Turístico 2021, which in this edition is held in Mérida, …