In the new animated film ‘Paw Patrol: The Super Movie’, the most famous canines such as Chase, Liberty, Skye, Rubble, Marshall, Rocky,…
Months after starting his first stadium tour, which begins in August, Bad Bunny bets on acting and joins Brad Pitt in his…
Sony/Marvel’s Spider-Man: No Way Home became the third biggest global opener of all time this weekend, now with a confirmed $600.8M through Sunday, versus yesterday’s estimate…
After movie ‘Roma’ glory, actress Yalitza Aparicio has a new role: she’s an activist
Mexico City (AFP) – A year after the movie “Roma” catapulted her from obscurity to an Oscar nomination, Mexican actress Yalitza Aparicio…
“Joker,” a gritty, violent origin story of one of the most iconic villains in comics, hit theaters this week. The film follows…
“La Camarista” is the production that will represent Mexico in the 2020 Academy Awards Ceremony
La Camarista (The Housekeeper), a movie directed by Mexican cinematographer Lila Avilés, was the film selected by the Mexican Academy of Motion…
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There might be no host, yet the show must go on.
The 2019 oscars will not have a host yet, as always it is back and as diverse as ever. “Roma” and “The favorite” lead the…