Hacienda Yaxcopoil is located near Mérida, Yucatán, México and dating back to the 17th century. The name Yaxcopoil in Maya means “place …
Art and CultureExpat CommunityHeadlinesLifestyleMeridaNewsPeninsula
Museum of the City of Mérida exhibits five different visions of art
Mérida, Yucatán, (November 06, 2021) .- Five different samples that speak of the diversity that the city has in its artistic proposals …
Mérida, Yucatán, (July 29, 2021).- On a sad morning for culture in Yucatán, Rafael Alfonso Pérez, director of the Macay Museum, announced …
°The Yucatecan Gastronomy Museum has opened its doors in order to promote the rich culinary wealth of the state. °The enclosure also …
After the closure of museums and other cultural institutions motivated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Museum of the City of Mérida reopened …
The Fernando GarcÃa Ponce Macay museum opened its doors to the public yesterday, October 4, after six and a half months of closure due to the …
Bored of being lockdown? Enjoy a virtual tour in the famous Mexican painter Frida Kahlo’s “Blue House” in Coyoacan, Mexico City. During …
FeatureHeadlinesMaya UniverseMeridaNewsPeninsulaPlanetYuca
Interactive Ball Game Museum opens at Poliforum Zamná
Interactive Museum opens its doors in the Poliforum As part of the World Padel Tour in Yucatan Exhibition 2020, today the Interactive …
Art and CultureHeadlinesLifestyleLocal NewsValladolid News
A new museum in the Yucatán celebrates the traditional clothing of Mexico
The colonial town of Valladolid, located between the Yucatán hot spots Cancun and Merida, is known as a convenient overnight stop when …
Art and CultureHeadlinesLifestyle
Chinese art exhibition kicks off in Mexico to convey message of peace
An exhibition of paintings, etchings and sculptures by contemporary Chinese artists was inaugurated Wednesday night here at Mexico’s National Museum of Cultures. …