Thousands of people, locals, and foreigners go every day, especially during the Christmas shopping season, to stores like Costco, Chedraui Selecto, and …
Northern Mérida
Truck driver knocks down several CFE poles in Prolongación Paseo de Montejo
The area remains closed to vehicular traffic MÉRIDA, Yucatán, (December 03, 2021).- A trail of damage was left by a truck driver that, in …
Northern Mérida citizens will suffer the effects of the Progreso cement plants
Progreso, Yucatán, (November 03, 2021) .- “In the short term, the inhabitants of the North of Mérida will suffer the effects of …
Expat CommunityFeatureLifestyleMeridaNewsPeninsula
Xoclán Cemetery in Mérida received about 250 visitors per hour on Monday, November 1st
Mérida, Yucatán, (November 03, 2021) .- Thousands of people from Merida attended the Xoclán cemetery in Mérida on November 1st and 2nd, …
Business-newExpat CommunityFeatureLifestyleLocal NewsNewsPeninsulaState NewsValladolid NewsYucaTech
Commercial exhibition ‘Yucatán Expone’ opens in Gran Plaza, Mérida
Mérida, Yucatán, October 30, 2021 (ACOM) – Artisans from the municipalities of Tekax, Progreso, Sinanché, and Mérida participate in the commercial exhibition …
Expat CommunityHeadlinesLifestyleMeridaNewsPeninsula
Mérida’s first drive-in cinema opens Friday, Oct. 29th in the north of the city
MÉRIDA, Yucatán, (October 26, 2021).- As of this Friday, October 29, the first drive-in cinema will start operating in Mérida under the name of “Cine Togo”, on the third …
Young 18-year-old woman commits suicide in up-town northern Mérida neighborhood
Mérida, Yucatán, (October 18, 2021).- Unfortunately, on the morning of October 18th, the death of a young woman, 18 years old, was …
MÉRIDA, YUCATAN (February 28, 2021).- In relation to the disagreement of a group of residents in the north of the city for …
MERIDA, YUCATAN (May 21, 2020).- Residents of northern Merida say a panther (black jaguar), has been spotted wandering through nearby neighborhoods, so …