Mérida, Yucatán, (November 12, 2021) .- In the framework of the 45th edition of the Tianguis Turístico México 2021, which will take…
november 2021
CampecheExpat CommunityFeatureLifestyleNewsPeninsula
The return to face-to-face classes is expected for November in Campeche
Campeche, (November 02, 2021).- Although education authorities have not made anything official, it seems that the return to face-to-face classes could soon…
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Tianguis Turístico 2021 will position Yucatán as a benchmark in Latin America
MÉRIDA, Yucatán, (November 01, 2021).- Yucatán is at a good time for the 2021 Mexico Tourism Tianguis (TTM), which will be the…
MEXICO, (September 23, 2021).- Organizers of the ‘El Buen Fin’ national discount program expect this year to exceed the 239 billion pesos…