Judge determines that the prisoner is at high risk of escaping; as the prosecution argues that he has enough economic resources and family …
Emilio Lozoya caught on video having dinner in a CDMX restaurant (Watch Video)
The former director of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), Emilio Lozoya, who currently maintains a process for the crime of operations with resources of …
Emilio Lozoya reveals he handled bribes by instructions from Peña Nieto and Videgaray
The Attorney General of the Republic, Alejandro Gertz Manero, announced that former PEMEX boss, Emilio Lozoya presented a complaint of facts in …
MEXICO CITY (AP) — A Mexican court held the first hearing Tuesday in what President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said would be …
Rosario Brindis, then head of the Legislative Liaison of Petróleos Mexicanos, and Froylán Gracia, former coordinator of the general management, were Emilio …
(AP).- The former head of Mexico’s state-run oil company landed in Mexico early Friday, July 17th, after being extradited from Spain to …
The Mexican government, through the Foreign Affairs Ministry, formally asked Spain to extradite Emilio Lozoya Austin to Mexico, so he can face …
“Former Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto is being investigated over a graft scandal at the country’s massive state oil company Pemex”, the …
Mexican authorities have frozen the bank accounts of Emilio Lozoya, the former head of PEMEX, Mexico’s state-owned oil company. The Financial Intelligence …