What happens if Trump and Biden get 269 votes each? WASHINGTON D.C. (Times Media Mexico) – The US election is looking like …
Republican Party
And so, it’s come to this: God’s Own Country on the edge of a cliff; the self-proclaimed greatest democracy on earth openly …
Through postmarked envelopes and in hours-long lines across the United States, American voters have hit the polls in record numbers weeks before …
The Growing Danger of Political Violence Threatens to Destabilize America
According to Time, last week, America dodged a bullet. More precisely, it dodged a kidnapping. The FBI arrested 13 men who plotted to violently …
WASHINGTON D.C. Unites States (Agencies) – A rebellious Donald Trump has decided to resume his public appearances as of today, Saturday, October …
Donald Trump suggested he could serve two more terms as president of the United States if he wins the November election. RENO …
Race, power and money have shaped United States politics into what they are now, but it’s impossible to disentangle the three from …
On average every Presidential election, a remarkable 80% of African American votes go Democrat. Although making up only 13 percent of the …
Just six of the United States’ 538 electoral college votes will come from the western state of Nevada, a state that has …
UNITED STATES (Forbes) – 27 former Republican members of Congress officially announced on Monday, just a few hours before the opening of …