President Andrés Manuel López Obrador gives a conference from the National Palace every morning. (MEXICO – TYT).- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador heads…
revocation of mandate
MEXICO, (December 23, 2021).- During the night of last Wednesday, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) put a brake on the…
México Electoral Court modifies consultation date for revocation of mandate to April 10
MEXICO, (November 11, 2021).- The National Electoral Institute (INE) changed the date on which the revocation of the mandate of President Andrés…
All the political parties accepted the question proposed by Morena, after two days of negotiations with opposition leaders. Mexico City, (September 03,…
MEXICO, August 04, 2021, (EFE).- The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, challenged the opposition on Tuesday, August 3rd, to join…
AMLO proposes a referendum to determine whether bullfighting should be prohibited or not
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador proposed to conduct a citizen consultation (referendum) to decide whether bullfighting is prohibited or should continue in…