Apple said on Tuesday, March 1st, that it had paused the sales of its products in Russia and taken several other steps…
Russian military operation
President Zelensky told Russian troops not to trust their commanders or Kremlin propaganda. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told Russian troops on Monday…
A Texas software developer and a cook in British Columbia are among dozens of Americans and Canadians answering Ukraine’s call for foreign…
Mexican Army sends an aircraft to collect the Mexican nationals who remain in Ukraine
Marcelo Ebrard thanked the support of General Luis Cresencio Sandoval, head of the Sedena, to fulfill this task. (MEXICO- MEXICAN ARMY).- The…
The contingent of Brazilian professional football players said they are desperate, the borders are closed and fuel supplies have run out. (UKRAINE…
Vladimir Putin’s troops continue their advance on Ukraine and say they will negotiate if the Ukrainian army lays down its arms; Here…
The communicator was consulted by the international press after the announcement of the Russian military operation (MEXICO – CNN).- Alex Tienda shared…