The Cruz Azul Cooperative, a Mexican company, officially presented the project of a new industrial unit to manufacture Cruz Azul Cement in …
Expansion of the Seybaplaya, Campeche Deep Water Port would cost over 1.5 billion pesos
After pointing out that since its construction, the Seybaplaya port has remained incomplete, the director of the Integral Port Administration of Campeche …
Governor Layda Sansores says that Campeche’s “Artificial Island” is just a proposal
The governor said that the artificial island project in Campeche will not materialize, as recently proposed by a Dutch company, a work …
Octopus season in Campeche now adds more than 5 thousand tons
Campeche, (October 04, 2021).- From August 1st to September 22, the octopus catching season in the state already totals 5,732.8 tons, a …
Although 2020 has been a year of complications and cancelations, one thing which did take place was the community-driven Tortufest in Seybaplaya, …
Local turtle conservation project garners international attention
CAMPECHE Mexico – On the shores of Seybaplaya in Campeche, Mexico, a man releases hatchlings into the moonlight, making sure they successfully …
There’s a treasure in Seybaplaya that we must protect
Gazing across the tranquil beaches of Seybaplaya, a small beach town on the South Eastern coast of the Gulf of Mexico, you’d …