Apple CEO Tim Cook is a man, “60 Minutes” correspondent John Dickerson said, who is “full of secrets.” “I’m full of secrets…
TechCrunch (May 28, 2020).- Belvo, a Latin American fintech startup that launched just 12 months ago, has already snagged funding from two…
TechCrunch CDMX (May 26, 2020).- Spero Ventures, the venture capital firm backed by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, has gone to Mexico City…
ColumnsFeatureThe Column
In Mexico, science and technology are condemned by AMLO’s totalitarianism – Op-Ed
Before starting this article, for everyone to be on the same page, it is crucial to define what science is. According to…
In today’s world, social media is ubiquitous. While we all know to some degree what social media is, what purpose(s) does it…
The next generation of wireless is here, and several countries are locked in a fierce battle for the top spot in global…
Your team has been disrupted, your typical lines of communication broken, your office spaces emptied, and still you and your company need…
“Please leave the room, close the door and start a disinfection,” says a voice coming out of the robot. “It says it…
11 years after hitting the market, WhatsApp is used in Mexico by 77 million people, as it is one of the most…
Humans are naturally social creatures. We simply love to chat, interact and share with other people. And we’ve had ample opportunity to…