From intimate ceremonies based on ancient Mayan rituals to huge luxury weddings, Yucatan is a perfect setting In recent years, Yucatan has …
wedding destination
Is there a basic checklist to organize the perfect “Yucatán Wedding”?
(INSIDER).- California-based couple Thainá, 28, and Charn, 35, were introduced through a mutual friend in 2016. Thainá is the founder of the …
CampecheExpat CommunityHeadlinesLifestyleNewsPeninsulaTravel
Wedding Tourism is gaining strength in Campeche
Campeche, Camp., (April 02, 2021).- Wedding tourism is gaining strength in Campeche as people have turned to see it now that the …
Yucatan was one of the winners in the category of “Best Wedding Destination” in the 6th. edition of the Travy Awards. In …